Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Meaning in university Life?

The Meaning in university Life?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christianity and Church Attendance

I was asked on Hubpages to do a hub on" if you have never attend church, can you still consider yourself a practicing Christian?" and I found the request very interesting. I want to share this with you as i know that many people would want to have another person's opinion on this issue.

Asking the question "can a person be regarded as a Christian if he doesn't attend church" is like asking " can a person be seen as a student if he doesn't attend lectures or take exams?"

The church is one place of learning and worship for a Christian.There are days he is expected to go in with other brethren in the church to offer worship-praises, offering,study of the bible and meet other Christians. This is called having fellowship with one another. God specifically in Hebrews 11:25 encouraged Christians to avoid not meeting together as a body.

In the church during studies, one can ask questions on matters of faith that are challenges to him/her.

In the church, one can make prayer requests on whatsoever is a heart desire or a problem of life and prayers would be offered for such.

If you don't attend church, how can you give your offerings and share in the Lord's supper to remember the death of Christ for the Christian-Matthew 26:26-30; I Corinthians.11:23-29.

Attending services is so important to the Christian and I can't see a Christian who makes it good spiritually by being a single tree in a place that's supposed to be a forest.

The Apostles and the Christians met often in fellowship with one another Acts.2:46.

Read more articles about Church and Christianity on this website

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pornography and Its Lies

The Nine Lies of Pornography

Most porn addict feel they could learn a lot about human sexuality, women, marriage and sex, from the view of pornography but they discover that it is a product for sale and would use all sorts of tricks to attract and hold its consumers.

The Branding Managers of various companies adopt the most attractive strategies to capture their audience; pornography would never be an exception.

It is like a young man who gained an admission into the university and got initiated into a cult with the promises of safety, access to all the beautiful girls, and no examination failures.

He discovers after a few months that he is the first to run for safety and is threatened by several "carry-overs". These white lies of pornography include:

Lies No.1 says 'Women are Playthings'

Most pornographic magazines describe women as little animals, playmates, and body parts. In Genesis 2:21-23, woman was made from the rib of man as an image of God (Gen.1:26-27).

God commanded the man to give honour to the woman (wife) and that she is an heir to the grace of life (1Pet.3:7). Pornography devalues womanhood and exposes her as a product rather than real human being with thoughts, emotions and intelligence.

David Sherman, former Midwest Manager of Déjàvu, explains how adult businesses manipulate young girls who they have as waitresses to take their clothes off and dance nude on the stage by creating a sense of family and necessity and plying them with alcohol which throws them into a life of sex, drugs, alcohol and prostitution.

Lies No.2-Women are sex objects

Hard-core porn displays women as openly as possible for the customers to look at. They are seen as merchandise in musical display, porn websites, and romance magazines.

Pornography tells us that women can be bought. That explains why some young men insist on sex once they have spent their money on a woman. Others feel they can have the best of women in terms of beauty and physique so far they have their money.

Lies No.3-Women are a sport

Often I hear young men talk about their sex exploits over women. Porn view man-woman relationship as a sport or game in which there must be a winner and a loser or the highest scorer. Some men boast of how many conquests they can make with women.

Lies No.4-A Woman's value depend on her Beauty

Porn values a woman by how elegant and beautiful she is, with natural curves. It starts and ends with physical attractiveness of a woman and never her internal make-up.

Contrarily, God sees beauty as fading but exalts the woman with internal virtues – Proverbs 31:1-30. Less attractive women are ridiculed in the porn world. They are called dogs or pigs because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. The mind and personality of the woman is not considered but the body.

Lies No.5-Dangerous sex is fun

Some of the aspects of hard-core pornography are bestiality, torture and group sex.

Porn treats human beings as animals and suggests that sex can only be enjoyed when it is dangerous and unnatural.

lies No.6-Women Enjoy Rape

When she says "no", she means "yes" is a typical porn slogan. Porn movies show women being raped, fighting and kicking at first, and then starting to like it. Men are taught by porn to enjoy hurting and abusing women for entertainment and selfish gratification.

In a study conducted by Dr. Malmuth and his Associates on "the harms caused by Rapists fueled by pornography" found that when college males were exposed to sexually violent pornography such as rape and other forms of sexual violence, two-thirds of the male subjects, following such exposure, indicated an increased willingness to force a woman into sex acts if they were assured of not being caught or punished. Their mental orientation and belief about sexual relationship is rapidly twisted by a view of porn.

Lies No.7-Women should be abused and degraded

Porn movies show how women are humiliated, tortured and brutalized in several ways while begging for more. It shows hatred and contempt against women.

This is reflected on how these men relate with women. This distorted belief is fueled by the sale of bondage magazines and videos where beautiful women and young girls are tied and gagged in just every way possible.

This was the case of Cameron Hooker and his wife, Janice. Cameron Hooker's fantasy was to dominate and torture nude women who were bound and helpless.

His fantasies were fueled by an extensive collection of hard-core pornography that featured bondage, leather and handcuffs, and whips. At one point during this torture, his victim was able to see through the bottom of her blindfold.

She saw a picture of a naked woman hanging in much the same position that she was hanging. Apparently, he was using this sadistic pornography to put his fantasy into reality. A destructive lesson you learn from porn.

Lies No.8-Sex is good for kids

Child pornography is rapidly becoming the biggest seller in the porn industry with the posting of 20,000 images or more per week. Porn presents women as little girls by wearing pony tails, little girls dressing and holding a teddy bear. This is the vilest form of pornography where actual children are photographed while engaged in some form of sexual activity, either with adults or with other children causing a special harm. These children are induced to engage in sexual activity which is gross child abuse.

However, the pornography industry would not tell you that most of these children are sold into sex, kidnapped, from troubled families, sexually abused at an early age and forced into sexual intercourse.

Lies No.9-Prostitution is Glamorous

The porn industry paints a pleasant picture of lewdness as a rewarding business.

However, these girls are runaway girls, abused girls, addicts who are trapped in the life of degradation.

Pornography has no good for man.

How Best To Get a Scholarship

Getting It Right

The desire to acquire higher qualifications and skills is growing in several countries of the world with the global vision of giving education to all.

However, several people lack the money to fund their education especially when they desire to study in a country with a currency value higher than their country currency value. This is evident in countries as United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Netherlands, etc, where international students pay higher fees for tuition, accommodation and maintenance.

Most prospective students have resorted to seeking funding from organizations, universities and individuals in form of scholarships.

One great challenge about securing a scholarship is that too many applications chase a small fund.

This article reveals some of the rules to adopt when applying scholarships to enhance the chances of your application being selected.

Gather your admission and scholarship materials beforehand.

Most scholarship applicants do not know the application documents required by the school they intend to apply to.

Different schools require different application materials depending on the country, course of study or type and mode of programme.

Generally, the following documents may be required:

a. copy of Degree certificate usually certified/notarized copy in the case of scholarship application.

b. copy of transcript usually certified copy in the case of scholarship application. c. Letter of motivation.

Two letters of Reference-professional and academic.

Fully completed scholarship application Form.

Letter of financial support or letter of sponsorship.

English Language certificate or other evidence of proficiency in English Language which is the language of instruction for course of study.

This requirement varies in countries where other international languages are used other than English Language such German, French, Japanese or Spanish.

However, most universities would give a waiver on the English language requirement for countries whose one of the official languages is English language.

Start early to apply for admission into your chosen schools and programme(s).

When I was scouting for scholarship for my graduate programme, one mistake l made was to start my admission process late even though l thought I started early.

l later discovered that the admission process takes at least three months or more depending on a range of factors. It could be delays in the postal delivery of the application documents or getting reference letters from your academic and professional referees, or getting your transcript(s) from your school.

Therefore,if you want to start your programme in September, it is good to start the application process from November of the preceding year of study.

This will place you in position to be in possession of an offer of admission from the school, either conditional or otherwise, before the scholarship application deadline.

The reason is that most universities and international funding organizations have their scholarship deadline fixed between March and May annually.For example, the deadline for scholarship application for the University of Westminster is May 30 for September intake and November 30 for January intake.

Take note of scholarship application deadline and work to beat it.

You should remember that any application for scholarship that did not beat the deadline will not be processed and you don't have any contractual agreement with the scholarship panel in this case as their decision is final.

Most funding bodies do not permit sending the scholarship application documents through courier service, fax or as email attachment. This could be a way of reducing the number of application to be received due to the available funding.

Most scholarship applications are done online but you are expected to send the supporting documents through mail in some cases which would take some days to get to the destination or may be delayed due to transit problems.

Construct a good letter of Support.

The letter of support is expected to reveal to the scholarship panel why you need the scholarship, what amount of support you need-tuition,maintenance, or accommodation, the effort you have made in securing funding from other scholarship bodies or individual/company sponsorship and why you are the best candidate for the scholarship.

The letter of support should not written in a hurry. You should be clear,precise, sincere, persuasive and convincing in your writing.Remember that in most cases, you are not interviewed by the Panel.

Your write-up represents you and one of the crucial parameters to be duly considered before awarding scholarship to you.

Remember that scholarship opportunities are few and highly competitive.

About two-thirds of prospective students need financial support in one form or the other which makes it very competitive to get funding for your programme.

Most International funding Bodies and Universities receive large number of scholarship applications annually while they have few openings.

These Universities have devised means to reduce the number of applications by considering only applications that meet their criteria as usually stipulated in the application Form.

Therefore, you are expected to read the criteria for application very carefully considering the basic qualification for scholarship application for the programme,the number of years required as work experience, the language of instruction,the value and duration of the award.

Most scholarships are partial while others are full. The partial scholarship may cover tuition (full tuition waiver) or accommodation only or maintenance only or a combination of the two above while full scholarships cover tuition,accommodation and maintenance.

Do not apply for scholarship without an offer of admission.

Almost all the scholarship opportunities require that you first secure admission into the programme of your choice before applying for scholarship.This is one of the reasons why you need to start early to apply for admission.

Most applicants spend time running after funding opportunities without a corresponding letter of an offer of admission only to regret hereafter.

The scholarship awarding body wants to be sure that you would take up the offer of scholarship when awarded to you and therefore, would see evidence of acceptance into the school of your proposed programme of study.

I wish you the best in your career ambitions.

Read more articles by Money On Trees

My Defence of Pornography

by Money On Trees

I Got It All Wrong

There has been a controversy over the relationship between pornography and violent crimes including sexually related crimes as rape, assault, serial murder, child sexual abuse, bondage sex, et cetera.

Several proponents of pornography have raised few arguments to support pornography and on why it should not be banned or regulated by the government. These include the producers, sellers and viewers or consumers.

One of the reasons behind these arguments lies on the amount of money spent to produce these materials and the huge annual income generated in return for this venom sold to the public.

Kerby Anderson wrote that pornography is an $8 billion-a-year business with close ties to organized crime. This runs into several billions of naira especially with the advent of the internet and its services available to the developing nations.

The vendors of porn reap huge profits through sales in so-called adult bookstores and through the viewing of films and live acts at theaters and clubs. Porn industry is rapidly growing the largest market and consumers all over the world.

LaRue in May 2005 wrote that by the end of 2004, there were 420 million pages of pornography, and it is believed that the majority of these websites are owned by less than 50 companies. This volume does not include books, magazines, and movies. It simply follows that the public is to contend with 1,150685 pages of pornography per day on the internet.

The Nielsen/Net Ratings in September 2003 published a report that more than 32 million unique individuals visited a porn website in September 2003. Nearly 22.8 million of them were male (71%), while 9.4 million adult site visitors were female (29%).

Which one product would be patronized by over 32 million different people in just one month? A big reason why the production of such "product" must be defended by those involved. A product that charms and wets the sexual appetite of men, women and even teens.

The Family Safe Media on December 15, 2005 in her statistics published a report that the largest viewers of internet porn are children between the ages 12 and 17.

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to children on August 10, 2003

informed the public that more than 20,000 images of child pornography are posted on the internet every week. This means that 1,040,000 images of child porn would be on the net in a year.

The above report supported another report released in 2005 by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children which reported that of those arrested in the U.S. for the possession of child pornography between 2000 and 2001, 83% had images involving children between the ages 6 and 12 while 39% had images involving children between ages 3 and 5; and 19% had images of infants and toddlers under age 3.

It is a common sight to see young men who spend the whole night for several days on the internet in cyber cafes surfing pornographic materials in a world of fantasy and perversion. A major reason for the defense of pornography by the purveyors is the huge return on their investment.

Family Safe Media on January 10, 2006, reported that the internet pornography industry generates $12 billion dollars in annual revenue – larger than the combined annual revenues of three industries combined – ABC, NBC and CBS.

National Research Council Report of 2002 showed that the cyber sex industry, which is an arm of internet pornography, generates approximately $1billion yearly and is expected to grow to $5 – 7 billion over the next 5 years, barring unforeseen change. The total porn industry – estimates from $4 billion to $10 billion.

It is, therefore, difficult for the producers of porn to see any evil in it since they are constantly patronized by sexually inquisitive men, women and children. One of the arguments raised by the producers of porn is that there is no conclusive scientific proof that porn causes sex crimes.

This argument is flawed for two reasons.

One, is evil or crime condemned or justified only by the availability of scientific evidence?

We all accept verdicts which condemn people for arson, manslaughter, even when these offences are committed under provocation. These people face the gallows or jailed by the availability of confessional statements and human witnesses and evidences without scientific proofs. Why then do we need scientific proof before porn is regulated or banned?

Two, several confessional statements made by the offenders which are correlated with the evidences by the investigation officers confirm a strong link between viewing porn and violent sexual crimes.

Raymond Pierce, a retired detective in a response to an interview on Porn and Sex-Related Homicide wrote that in an FBI study of 36 serial killers conducted in the 1980s, revealed that 29 of these killers were attracted to pornography and incorporated it into their criminal sexual activity, including serial rape and murder.

One of these cases involved a serial killer who was killing prostitutes. Once he completed the sex act, he stripped and tortured them for hours.

The significance of fantasy in this case was graphically revealed when detectives went into the killer's home and retrieved a number of items, including one pornography videotape.

The tape contained a number of scenes that were similar to what the offender was doing to his victims.

The Knoxville Journal, February 27, 1989 reported a case of an engineer who assaulted three girls, killing one of them and assaulting four others. When police searched his rented storage unit, they found 935 pornographic books and magazines showing sexual bondage, horror scenes and nakedness. They also found books about the serial killer.

Associated Press in October 30, 2002 reported of the case of a Colonel who was sentenced for beating and strangling his wife to death over an argument about his use of the internet to view pornography.

One of the vivid reports that has linked porn to sexual assaults, incest, pedophiliac crimes and bondage sex and lust murders, is the one presented. By Robert H. Macy in a July 23, 1991 hearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary to address the Pornography's Victims' Compensation Act of 1991.

He testified as follows: "Back in 1984, I was contacted by citizens in Oklahoma Country wanting to do something about the sex crime problem and pornography. Up until that time, I was truly a Doubting Thomas as to the correlation between sex crimes and pornography….

However, we put together a strategy to try to as much as we could eliminate pornography or obscenity and sex-oriented businesses in Oklahoma country. We did it rather quietly, but we went out and systematically closed 12 out of 13 porn bookstores, 11 peep show operations.

We had the porno films taken off of cable TV. With the help of a city ordinance, we closed 75 topless and bottomless bars. We shut down 21 houses of prostitution and eliminated 3 hardcore porn theatres.

But to give you an idea of what happened when we cracked down. Between 1984 and 1989, rape cases reduced from 565 in 1984 to 427 in 1989.

So, in 5 years, the number of rapes dropped by 138, or almost 25% and the only thing we did was the crack down on obscenity and sex oriented businesses".

If You Object It, Don't Patronize It

Another argument used by the printed page and media houses to promote pornography is "if you object to it, don't patronize it".

One thing that flaws this argument is that it is selfish. It considers only the people who use pornography. It is evident that porn has a multiplier effect and by extension affects the spouses and children of the consumers and the public who become victims when they act out their sadistic fantasies.

The performers, many of them are under 21, are physically and emotionally abused in the production of hardcore pornography and acquire sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections.

Several children have been abused sexually and murdered by grandfather, father and kidnappers who feed on porn to sexually arouse themselves and to entice, desensitize and instruct their child victims.

Children have been abused by their fellow children who imitate what they view in hardcore pornography robbing them of the opportunity to develop healthy sexual orientation and behaviour.

Most ladies are harassed at their work place by porn addicts and spouses live in depression because of the secret porn life of their husbands.

How many people are expected to be destroyed emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually before porn is considered abnormal and dangerous to the society and home?

Another argument raised by viewers and producers of porn has to do with personal rights.

Our generation has become that of Epicureans when it comes to pleasure, happiness and personal rights. Our world believes that human and personal rights remove all restraints upon the individual as regards morality, ethics and accountability.

These hedonists believe that pleasure and passion must be the aim of life. They promote this by the slogan "It's your life, express it".

However, God, the Creator of man warns that though man is a free moral agent, he must be held responsible and accountable for any thought, imagination, decision and action taken about his/her life. This axiom makes it mandatory for man to be guided by an objective standard of authority – God's Word.

In this case, man has not an absolute but relative liberty dependent on that which is useful and purposeful in his life.

There must be what is seen as immoral, unethical and antisocial as not all things that give pleasure are good.

It is unfortunate that those who preach the concept of personal rights in defense of porn have been enslaved by same act of porn.

If we accept the universal belief that good films, dramas, books improve the mind, develop character and enrich the human personality, how can we deny the belief that immoral and sexually explicit books, magazines and movies would debase the mind, destroy character and distort human personality?

Read more articles by Money On Trees

How to Develop Streams of Income

By Money on Trees

How to use monetization Models

Malcolm Forbes who lived between 1919 and 1990 once said "Venture nothing, and life is less than it should be."

In the article Follow Your Passion, I tried to justify the need to develop more streams of income and why you should never be dependent on a single income source- putting all your eggs in one basket.

Ken Evoy described it as a high risk strategy.He puts it this way ‘by diversifying, your revenues increase, your business is more stable, and you are in charge of your business destiny.’

I did a research on what the business moguls describe as ‘some monetization models’.These are business opportunities that could earn you some good income to meet your short and long term goals. It is evident that for you to maximize revenue, you must get your hands into two or more of these opportunities.

However, new opportunities now present themselves to you.Consider each model carefully. Depending on your particular niche and business intentions, some will apply to you. Some won't. Add the one(s) that fit your business best.

Simply click on the area(s) you are interested in and take a detailed study of how you can join.

Hard Goods Creators/Sellers

Are you a small business or an artisan that creates, manufactures or retails your own hard goods -- non-digital products that you can actually touch, that you ship? Add (simple copy-and-paste) your own e-store to your SBI! Website, and sell to the entire world now... instead of your neighborhood.

Ebay and Other Online Auctions

Sean Atan-the Author of Money Grows on Trees summarized the impact of Ebay on your business this way ‘it is my strong belief that any person who is building a business online should find a component of their business strategy to be conducted via Ebay. Ebay is a market that simply cannot be overlooked. The exposure of one’s products is the greatest on Ebay with a massive array of possible visitors with easy access to your products’

Put Ebay to work for you. Use them as a supplemental source of income to auction products that your local business already sells.Especially useful if your business involves items easily auctioned.

There are more than 80 million Ebay users who spend more than $60 million every day. Ebay conducts more than 12 million auctions at any given time.This is also interesting possibilities for service-sellers.

E-goods Creators/Sellers

How could your offline business be the source for an e-book (example "How to Start and Market A Successful American Restaurant") Or maybe you are a photographer -- even if most of your clients are local, sell collections of e-photos online. Anything can be digitized nowadays -- sell it.

Information Publishers

Now you can monetize the information that you produce on your site.Google™ Ads on your SBI! website can generate hundreds-to-thousands of dollars per month for your online, niche-oriented, information.


Add hundreds of dollars per month to your diversified monetization plan, without having a product of your own -- no warehousing, packaging, shipping, etc. Simply choose merchants that complement your company's product line.


This is another great "add-on" monetizer. This model is as classic as business itself... gets paid a referrer or finder's fee by an offline business for finding a customer (or a "lead") for it. The Net, though, makes this age old model far more cost-effective than ever.

Service Businesses

Offer a service related to your niche. Build a client base, whether clients are local(ex., organizing children's birthday parties) or global(ex., organizing roadster car races). (Or start a completely new service business).

Read more articles by Money On Trees

Follow Your Passion

By Baruch

Success Is An Act of The Will

Everyone has passion for or knowledge of something. Whether it's a hobby, special interest, or knowledge from experience, thousands of people have turned their knowledge and interests into income using their brain and motivation.

No matter what your passion is or interests are, as long as you have the right tools, a brain (without being "brainy"), and the motivation, you can do it too!

Why You Should Follow Your Passion

It's the joy of freedom, the ability to achieve lifelong goals, and the opportunity to take command of your life. It's the chance to quit the day job, live life to its fullest, and spend more time with the ones you love. It's about independence, self-reliance, and financial growth.

These benefits drive people to go for their passions.

One great desire of many is to quit the rat race and retire at an early age in life to enjoy their life, family and live a quite life full of sound health. That's an achievable wish.

Retirement allows you the opportunity to explore your interests, pursue your goals and ambitions, take on new challenges, and enjoy and revel in your new-found freedom.

You can create a relaxed, secure lifestyle, while challenging yourself by learning something new at your retirement.

Unfortunately, most people believe that they must work for several years-maybe 20-30 years for others before thinking of retirement. Others are scared of starting something on their own.

Building a REAL business takes some work. That is a reality of life. There is no such thing as "Get Rich Quick."

SBI! reduces the work by 90% because it handles all the tedious, difficult, and technical barriers. This allows small businesses owners to focus on what they love and what they do best.

It allows Audrey from to build her editing business and focus on what she loves. It allows Josephine from to keep her attention on training and selling horses. Clint was able to grow his SBI! site's traffic into 6000 potential new clients a month for his translation business.

Spend more time with the ones you love. Schedule your work around YOU rather than the other way around. No more commutes. No more stressful workplace environments.

Verify this tool and see how you can achieve your passion, build and grow profitable and successful businesses, work from home and still earn income and retire early and live the life you have ever desired.

Read more articles by Money On The Trees